Support The International
Churchill Society Canada
"Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it."
We are a group of independent, like minded Canadian individuals of all ages, from all walks of life that have a common shared interest that bonds us to Sir Winston Churchill!
What your support gets you
Invitations to Churchill Society Events
Yearly, on or around May 10th, we join together for drinks and dinner with other ICS Canada supporters and their guests and celebrate the anniversary of Churchill's appointment as Prime Minister on May 10th, 1940.
Other casual events include "An Evening with Sir Winston", where Canadian authors and historians are invited to talk.
Churchill Bulletins
Put out by the International Churchill Society, this monthly bulletin highlights upcoming worldwide events and articles relating to Churchill.
or Donate
A Friend of the Society that gives support at, or above the Contributor level of $150 (Print) or $75 (Digital) will receive a Charitable Donation tax receipt, for the amount in excess of the Base Subscription of $100 (Print) or for those who chose digital, donations in excess of $75.
One-time Donation
Any amount

For those who desire to continue their affiliation with ICS Canada without subscribing to the Finest Hour magazine, exclusively as a donor, we will issue a tax receipt for the full amount based on a minimum donation of $50.
International Churchill Society Canada is a Canadian charitable organization, registration No. 808915698 RR 0001
The Society collects limited personal information on members such as name, address, telephone
and email address. This information is used only for sending information to our members. Occasionally we may participate with other cultural organizations inviting our members to events co-sponsored with the Society. We take precautions to ensure that your personal information is retained in confidence. If you do not want your personal information collected or used for the purposes identified above, please notify us in writing, bearing in mind that we must use this information in order to send you our event notices, Finest Hour and other publications.